Church's Corner
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.”
~ Numbers 6:24-26 ~
Scripture Readings for
March 2019
1st of Mini~Work Parties
Saturday, March 16, 9-11a.m.
Yes, you too can participate in Monthly Parties!
In preparation for Easter, this month we will focus on the Sanctuary, front porch, Donaldson Room and the little storage room by the Sanctuary.
(This will not be in conflict with the Preschool Carnival which is also that Saturday 11:00-2:00 all over both floors of the church.)
Some of the tasks will include cleaning woodwork and furnishings in these areas, painting the double doors in the Donaldson Room, cleaning the front porch & doors. If you have more ideas please let Paul know. Please bring your own cleaning supplies and snack goodies to share.
Our Motivation & Purpose: We all want to be proud of our church building. We have a big building that needs work and attention. We can all help.
Our Plan: Let’s have a Mini-Work Party…. maybe once a month! If we do a few things each month, before you know it…our church will be spit-spot and sparkly. If you have an idea, or see something that needs fixed, cleaned, painted, or just a little TLC, please let me know and it will be added to the “we will do this” list.
Let’s Party!
Paul Foard, Building & Grounds Chair: 304-690-1671,
Do you know a small job contractor??
Jobs that at the top of the list: - repair front porch columns - finish the metal work reinforcement on the ramp railing, - fill in our “pond” by the parking lot entrance. Or - make a real garden pond!! If you know someone you can recommend please let me know.
Thank You
Paul Foard, 304-690-1671,
Pulpit Schedule March
March 3rd: David Richards - Transfiguration of the Lord
March 6th: David Richards - Ash Wednesday
March 10th: Mary Lou Pratt - Celebrating the Gift's of Women
March 17th: Chris Bailey
March 24th: Eric Springer
March 31st: Hank Lenz
Pulpit Schedule April
April 7th: David Richards - Sacrament of Holy Communion
April 14th: Chris Bailey - Palm Sunday
April 18th: David Richards - Maundy Thursday
April 21st: Eric Springer - Easter
April 28th: Hank Lenz
March 1 – Ezekiel 18:21-28
March 2 – Matthew 5:20-26
March 3 – Deuteronomy 26:16-19
March 4 – Matthew 5:43-48
March 5 – Romans 8:31b-34
March 6 – Mark 9:2-10
March 7 – Luke 6:36-38
March 8 – Matthew 23:1-12
March 9 – Jeremiah 18:18-20
March 10 – Matthew 20:17-28
March 11 – Jeremiah 17:5-10
March 12 – Luke 16:19-31
March 13 – Micah 7:14-15, 18-20
March 14 – Exodus 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17
March 15 – Luke 4:24-30
March 16 – Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9
March 17 – Matthew 5:17-19
March 18 – Jeremiah 7:23-28
March 19 – Luke 11:14-23
March 20 – Mark 12:28-34
March 21 – Luke 18:9-14
March 22 – Ezekiel 47:1-9, 12
March 23 – John 5:1-16
March 24 – John 5:17-30
March 25 – Exodus 32:7-14
March 26 – Jeremiah 11:18-20
March 27 – John 7:40-53
March 28 – Jeremiah 31:31-34
March 29 – Hebrews 5:7-9
March 30 – John 8:31-42
March 31 – Genesis 17:3-9